Our matcha’s aroma, taste and appearance – the three key elements of Japanese tea assessment – are all of a superlative standard.
Only Japan produces green tea powder of this quality. From purest tencha tea leaves that are carefully steamed, dried, de-veined and ground slowly in heavy stone mills, this light and delicate tea powder emerges, with its perfect balance of sweetness and astringency.
To create a moment of Zen in your own home or office, just add hot water (not too hot) and whisk. The resulting, foamy thick, emerald green beverage lies at the centre of Chanoyu, the Japanese tea ceremony.
Whilst our matcha is high quality ‘drinking grade’, we also use it at chaya teahouse in making our cakes, biscuits and sweets – keep it under your hat as our Japanese tea master won’t approve! – because actually it is a wonderful ingredient in many forms of health-aware baking and dessert-making.