how to hold a chinese tea cup

[Video] Many tea friends who visited chaya teahouse marvel at the size of the tea cups we use to serve tea here and wonder how one holds the cup. Now, these tasting cups are designed to be small so as to slow you down. Despite being small, one can drink quite a lot of tea while whiling the time away with good company at chaya teahouse.

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thank you for a wonderful first year at chaya teahouse

Last weekend we celebrated the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of Chaya Teahouse by bringing back the same menu we served when we opened our doors. We take our inspiration from the Japanese ‘ichi go ichi e‘ (一期一会) : ‘Treasure each encounter, for it will not recur!’ We try to create a pleasant calming interlude whose memory our tea friends will treasure.

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yuan yang: mandarin ducks of coffee-tea

Yuan-Yang tea-coffee is the ‘Mandarin duck’ of Hong Kong beverages, i.e. a solid tho unlikely pairing! Mandarin Ducks symbolise conjugal affection & fidelity & the name’s bn gvn 2 this tea-coffee-combo concoction! HongKongers appreciate the oomph of Yuan-Yang tea-coffee. I tried it out in Birmingham! Yang (warming) coffee mixed with Yin (cooling) creamy is a delicious HongKong drink: here’s the recipe! I’m intrigued by Yuan-Yang, complex, nuanced, East-West fusion of tea and coffee!

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timeless time of tea at teanamu chaya teahouse

teanamu chaya tea house is opening on 26 February. Every table at the Chaya Teahouse will have its own gongfu cha tea set to allow you to have a meditative tea drinking experience – a little time to heal and to restore. As humble as I can be, I hope Chaya Teahouse will allow my tea friends to visibly enter the timeless time of tea where they can forget their problems and be enveloped in the slow, depthless moments of the Way of Tea.

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Lychee Black: a very Christmasy Tea

Recipe for a non-alcoholic Lychee Black tea “mulled wine” that is perfect for Xmas. Recipe for Lychee Vibes – a cocktail with lychee black tea and vodka. Recipe for Consort Yang’s Deep Fried Lychees – a quick and easy delicious festive dessert. Learn how Consort Yang’s favourite fruit Lychee has inspired the great lychee black tea! Natural sugars in Lychee black tea caramelised during roasting giving it an opulent, mahogany hue & fragrant aroma. From a Chinese traditional medicine perspective, Lychee Black tea can relieve fatigue and is Yang in nature so is very suitable for drinking during autumn and winter as an antidote to the Yin season.

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Masala Chai – India’s Eight Treasures Tea

Buddhist pilgrimage tour of India & Nepal where I fell in love with Masala Chai. Learn all about tea as the ordinary Indians make it, spicy, hot & sweet. Amazing “green” little clay masala tea cups known as chullarhs. Masala Chai tea recipes & tea culture in India. Ingenious portable tea kettles from my Buddhist tour of India.

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